Monika Leal

Loop Road

Loop Road, cut in 1928, is 24 miles long, starting in western Miami-Dade County at the Tamiami Trail and winding westward through the Big Cypress Swamp. 

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John Pennekamp State Park, the nation’s first underwater park

In the 1950s, the continental United States’ only living barrier reef, a few miles off the Florida Keys, was under attack by divers armed with chisels, hammers and dynamite to harvest colorful coral and queen conch for curio shops and roadside vendors.

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Gambling, bookies and bolita

Legal and illegal gambling has long been a part of Florida.

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Eastern Airlines Crash, 1972

In one of South Florida’s worst air disasters, Eastern Airlines Flight 401 from New York’s JFK Airport to Miami crashed on Dec. 29, 1972, in the Everglades after the crew became distracted by a burned out landing-gear light.

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Richmond Blimp Base

In 1942, with German U-boats sinking ships just off Florida’s coast, the U.S. Navy built Richmond Naval Air Station.

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Pioneer City: A western-themed amusement park in Broward

Pioneer City was a western-themed amusement park in western Broward County that opened in 1966 and closed less than two years later.

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Polio Vaccine reaches Miami

In the 1950s, after Dr. Jonas Salk developed a vaccine against polio, citizens in Miami and across the nation lined up for shots to prevent the feared disease, which paralyzed thousands of children each year, killing some.

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Sounds of the ’60s: Miami music festivals

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Post Offices

Mail service in Southeast Florida goes back to the legendary “barefoot mailmen” of the late 19th century, who delivered mail between Lake Worth in Palm Beach County to Biscayne Bay.

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Marjory Stoneman Douglas

Marjory Stoneman Douglas was nicknamed the “first lady of the Everglades” for her pioneering environmental work. Her famous book, The Everglades: The River of Grass, was published in 1947.

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